If Every MLB Team Was a Pop Punk Song: NL East

Ben Blotner

If Every MLB Team Was a Pop Punk Song: NL East

Atlanta Braves: “The Phoenix” by Fall Out Boy

This dramatic FOB gem marked the band’s triumphant return from a years-long hiatus, just as the 2021 World Series marked the Braves’ triumphant return from a decades-long Fall Classic drought. After looking dead in the water midway through the season, they overhauled their outfield and rose like a phoenix from the ashes to shock the world. Not to mention, the line “put on your war paint” fits the Braves’ controversial brand perfectly.

Most Poignant Lyrics (MPL): “Put on your war paint … Hey young blood, doesn’t it feel/Like our time is running out/I’m gonna change you like a remix/Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix.”

Philadelphia Phillies: “In Too Deep” by Sum 41

This Sum 41 classic is about two people too far into a relationship, fighting to keep things alive when it may be best to just give up. The Phillies made this mistake with their mid-2010s rebuild, trying to contend and hold on to their veterans for too long before rebuilding. Like the characters in the song, it feels like the Phillies are now running in circles, doing everything they can to try and make things work, only to spiral back into mediocrity year after year.

MPL: “The faster we’re falling, we’re stopping and stalling/We’re running in circles again/Just as things were looking up, you said it wasn’t good enough/But still, we’re trying one more time.”

New York Mets: “American Idiot” by Green Day

While it seems less fitting after the Mets went on a free-agency binge that included Max Scherzer, this opportunity was still too good to pass up. Before the signings, the Mets were still thought of as a bumbling circus show, with billionaire owner Steve Cohen bringing a new flavor of dysfunction to the franchise rather than eradicating it. It remains to be seen whether the Mets will overcome their goofy reputation and finally surge to success, or if they will continue to be a mind-fuck and incite the hysteria of the New York media.

MPL: “Don’t wanna be an American idiot/Don’t want a nation under the new media/And can you hear the sound of hysteria?/The subliminal mind-fuck America.”

Miami Marlins: “Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year” by Fall Out Boy

After a modest Cinderella playoff run in the 2020 bizarro season, Miami took a big step back in 2021, certainly constituting a sophomore slump. The direction of the franchise is unclear, with the hitting talent not stacking up to the pitching side. Will the slump continue into 2022, or will the Marlins make the comeback of the year and get back to October? It remains to be seen whether the Fish are growing up or just going down.

MPL: “Are we growing up or just going down?/It’s just a matter of time until we’re all found out.”

Washington Nationals: “New Perspective” by Panic! at the Disco

In Washington, 2019 marked the start of the post-Bryce Harper era and, as it turned out, the end of a contention window. Luckily for the Nats, their World Series win gives them a new perspective moving forward into their rebuild. Another early playoff exit in ‘19 would have made the subsequent teardown a much harder pill to swallow. Even though Harper just beat out Juan Soto for the MVP, he didn’t lie when he said he’d bring that title back to D.C.

MPL: “Can we fast-forward to go down on me?/Stop there and let me correct it/I want to live a life from a new perspective.”

Photo Creds:

“The Phoenix”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phoenix_(Fall_Out_Boy_song)

“In Too Deep”: https://www.discogs.com/release/9598489-Sum-41-In-Too-Deep-

“American Idiot”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Idiot

“Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELPFvmzl94Q

“New Perspective”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Perspective_(song)