Out of the Bassline (online book) Part 4

Ben Blotner

Out of the Bassline (online book) Part 4

“As the trees sing the praises of my darkness

A whimsical, vibrant wind blows east

Into the face of all my problems

And it’s you, and it’s you, and it’s YOUUUU!!!!!”

Jake slammed his guitar on the ground for emphasis. The crowd of rabid college students continued to erupt. Dexter was having the time of his life.

“Thank you very much, y’all are absolutely wild!” Dustin praised the crowd, leading to further eruption.

When the chaos died down, Trevor took back the mic. “Have you ever had that friend who you knew could do something with their life, but they just need to get out of their own way?” he asked the audience. “Well, this song is about that friend. It’s called ‘The Most Charismatic Villain is the One You’re Looking At in the Mirror.’” Again, everyone lost their mind as Rise In Girl launched into the song.

With a few drinks (and more) in his body, Dexter had been dancing all night, doing a combination of the “white boy shuffle” and a semi-mosh with his friends. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a girl. She wore a black Red Knight T-shirt, orange skirt, and black tights, and she was going crazy on the dance floor. Her blue and purple curls bounced as she moved with style, and Dexter was drawn to her nose piercing and multiple tattoos. This is my dream girl, he thought.

Apparently, his staring was obvious. “Yo, I see what’s going on!” he heard Lewis yell over the music. “Don’t be simpin’ over there!”

“Shut the fuck up!” he retorted. Suddenly, the girl was right next to him. Dexter almost jumped out of his skin. She smelled like strawberries and cream, with hints of weed and booze mixed in.  As the song continued to play, she held her arm and he grabbed it. What in the actual hell is happening right now? he thought. This was too good to be true.

After the girl grabbed Dexter, she spun him around in a pirouette and giggled. Dexter, in his drunkenness, almost fell down. The final notes of “The Most Charismatic Villain” played. “Thank you!” he heard Trevor bellow as the crowd applauded.

“Hi, I’m Callie,” the girl introduced herself. “I like your style.”

“Dexter!” he responded nervously. “I like…you.”

Callie laughed again, sounding almost musical. “Thanks, I guess.” The two stared at each other nervously.

“Looks like we got a Casanova over here!” Dazzy yelled. Kat slapped him in the arm to shut him up.

For the rest of the night, Dexter and Callie danced together goofily. Dexter was full of social anxiety, but also felt like he was in a fever dream. Dexter’s friends moshed alongside them, continuing to live their best lives. Before anyone knew it, Rise In Girl was finishing their final song of the night, “I Love You Man, But the Eyeliner’s Got to Go.”

“Broken texts and severed heads

Standing in the closet of disaster

You should get out and see the world instead

For it’s yourself you should be looking after…

THANK YOU, FLYING HAMSTERS!!!” Trevor shouted as the final guitar riff of the night stretched on. Finally, Jake pounded out the last note and bedlam erupted. Dexter and his friends screamed their heads off.

“I have a surprise for you!” Callie yelled to Dexter over the commotion.

“Whoa! What?” Dexter’s eyes widened as he had no idea what to expect.

“Come with me!” Without warning, Callie grabbed his arm and took off, carrying both of them through the crowd. Dexter’s friends stared on in disbelief.

“Don’t forget to wrap it up!” Bobby yelled.

Approaching the edge of the crowd now and getting towards the stage, Callie led Dexter behind the stage, away from the rest of the student body. Their surroundings had quieted down, and the members of Rise In Girl were now about twenty feet away. Are we allowed to be back here? Dexter wondered. It was surreal to be so close to them.

“Can you just tell me what’s going on here? I’m so confused,” Dexter asked with a goofy smile on his face.

“Just hold on. Stay right here, I’ll be back,” Callie assured him, leaving him alone as she wandered off. The mystery would have to continue, at least for another moment or two.